実は復刻版のロゴ 追記

以前スターバックスの35周年記念に一度復刻したのが、また再度、今度は初心に戻ってと言うことで8週間限定で使われるみたい。 最近どこかの記事で、スタバの売れ行きがあまり良くなくなってきていると読みました。 ここでビシッとスタバの元々の"売り"に磨きをかけたいということなのかな。 

"The image of the twin-tailed mermaid inside the brown medallion harkens back to the chain's 1971 beginnings. The logo has evolved over the years, going from brown to green in 1987. This is the second time in three years Starbucks has trotted out the brown mermaid, inspired by a Norse woodcut. Back in 2006, she was resurrected to mark the chain's 35th anniversary. This time, she is a messenger for Chairman Howard Schultz, who is trying to restore some of the goodwill and warm feelings for the brand that have gone by the wayside because of increasing coffee prices, machine-made lattes, and bad press."

Starbucks' Retro Logo, David Kiley, April 11, 2008, Business Week